Dating Advice from Quiet Revolution


Quiet Revolution is a website started by Susan Cain, author of the bestseller Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking.

If the thought of meeting someone in a loud bar or going out clubbing sounds dreadful to you, you might like their articles on dating:

Dating While Introverted: What You Need to Know

Extroverts Sparkle, Introverts Glow: What You Bring to the Dating Game

Introvert-Friendly Tips, Tricks & Locales for the Dreaded First Date

An Introverts Guide to Breaking Up

Find Love By Embracing These Truths About Yourself


One thought on “Dating Advice from Quiet Revolution

  1. Nice articles with great advice!
    I especially liked the last one and the third one. They mentioned that we need to know ourselves and realise the goodness we have to offer. And it is better to meet people or have dates at familiar places and places where you feel comfortable. I can so agree with those.
    It also mentioned that a dance class is a good way to meet people. Now. I have done the whole dancing-dating thing. I would agree that dancing is a great way to meet people. And in fact, when people search for hobbies, often dancing comes up in the first search. However, what I have noticed is that the person on the dance floor and the same person in the car park…. Are two different people! On the dance floor, they are lively, confident, flirtious…. But go out for a coffee with them and you find out that they are intreverts just like you. I used to date someone from dance and he always used to say on Fridays (after dance) that he is very tired. I said, “of course you are, you have been dancing for four hours” and he said “no, I have been pretending that I am happy for four hours”. That was an eye opener for me. On the dance floor he was the most gorgeous, attractive, confident, funny, man who protrayed that his life is full excitement and he is living the dream…. He sooooo wasn’t!
    That is only one example. What I am trying to say is, often people are told “if you want to meet someone, go dancing”. What they are not told is “know yourself first, THEN go dancing”.
    The same guy in my example told me once “I don’t teach dancing; I teach confidence”. That’s sounds beautiful albeit wrong. Confidence comes from self belief; dancing is a platform to test it.


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